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Search Results for: divorce – Page 9

Excommunication Series: Valerie's Story

Excommunication Series: Valerie’s Story [Episode 266]

In part two of our excommunication series, I interview Valerie, a former member of a Reformed Baptist church that excommunicated her for divorcing her unfaithful and emotionally abusive husband.

After years of receiving “help” from her church as she endured betrayal after betrayal from her husband, she said enough was enough. But even as she divorced her husband and then tried to leave the church peacefully, they wouldn’t allow it. They had to have the last word. Listen to Valerie’s story today.

Excommunication Series: Marieda's Story

Excommunication Series: Marieda’s Story [Episode 265]

“Your high-handed sin against God is a dangerous domain, especially for those that claim Christ and have identified with the church.” Mareida read these words in shock after her “sin” of running away from her abuser had reached the ears of her church.

Marieda has a story to tell, and you’ll want to listen in. It’s a story of freedom from emotional abuse and then being punished for it by the church that was supposed to protect her. It’s a story of deep betrayal but also rising from the ashes.

This is the first in a series of three episodes about excommunication.

Meet Marieda. Here is her excommunication story.

Now Available: All the Scary Little Gods

Now Available: All the Scary Little Gods [Episode 263]

In January of 2023, I pulled out over three decade’s worth of journals, photograph albums, planners, cards and letters, and scrapbooks, and I began to write a book about my spiritual journey with God from the time I was seven years old to the present.

I had a hunch there was a story to tell. What surprised me was who ended up telling it.

Deconstructing Your Faith Without Losing Yourself

Deconstructing Your Faith Without Losing Yourself [Episode 262]

Deconstruction can seem daunting, and you might find yourself becoming fearful of even starting. But let me tell you this: Deconstruction doesn’t have to mean losing your church family. Deconstruction doesn’t have to mean losing your faith. Deconstruction doesn’t have to mean losing your relationship with God.

All the Scary Little Gods: More Insider Scoop on My New Book

All the Scary Little Gods: More Insider Scoop on My New Book [Episode 261]

We are gearing up for the release of my brand new book, All the Scary Little Gods, which will be available on Amazon in Kindle, paperback, and Audible formats on February 20th.

In this episode, you’ll get some more sneak peeks including the foreword by Dr. Tiffany Yecke Brooks and chapters about my first kiss in college plus a time when I thought “crying out to God” would bring back some mail-in-rebate money. (That’s right. You’ll have to listen to believe it.)

Laugh, cry, and roll your eyes with me in this sneak peek episode!

Doesn't the Bible Say to Remove the Log From Your Own Eye?

Doesn’t the Bible Say to Remove the Log From Your Own Eye? [Episode 260]

Have you ever been told to, “first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will be able to see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” in regards to your emotionally abusive marriage? That passage of the Bible is often used to mutualize the sin of the abuser and his victim. This is called sin-leveling, and it’s a form of spiritual abuse.

Karen McMahon is here to show us how to take back the meaning of these verses to empower and strengthen ourselves.
