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Search Results for: divorce – Page 25

Emotional Abuse Survivor Q&A

Emotional Abuse Survivor Q&A [Episode 124]

If my husband has a mental health issue or a personality disorder, does that excuse his abusive behavior? My husband isn’t the typical abuser; is my marriage actually abusive or just bad? Am I wrong for wanting privacy that my husband demands I should give up? How will I know for sure that my abuser has changed? Since I’ve made the decision to stay in my marriage for now, how can I grow while doing so?

I answer these questions and more in this episode. This is a replay of a Q&A done in the Flying Free Sisterhood program. One of the many life-changing benefits of this group is the ability to have your questions answered in a monthly Q&A, weekly during coaching, and every day in the private forum.

The Big Problem with Christian Marriage Counseling

The Big Problem with Christian Marriage Counseling [Episode 123]

In other words, love lets evil do whatever it wants, pretends nothing’s happened, and calls a prison a palace. Right?
This is the kind of “biblical” message Christian counselors often tout. And it’s killing women and children, whether all at once or piece by precious piece. If you’ve been hurt by “love,” especially when you were desperate for help and safety, you’ve got an advocate in Cindy Burrell.

Is it Possible to Stay Well in an Abusive Marriage?

Is it Possible to Stay Well in an Abusive Marriage? [Episode 122]

You’ve got two options and you HATE them both. You know you’re married to an abuser, but you DON’T want a divorce. So…you’re staying.

But will you be consumed by your husband’s reckless hate? Can you and Jesus be enough in the years to come? Will healing happen in the midst of destruction? Can you survive staying married and, what’s more, thrive? Is it even possible to stay well in an abusive marriage?

Where Does God Fit Into My Toxic Marriage?

Where Does God Fit Into My Toxic Marriage?

Emotional abuse that involved another person using God or His Word as a weapon of control is also called SPIRITUAL ABUSE, and this type of abuse is horrific in its potential to destroy one’s faith in God.
