Category: Divorce

How Will I Know When Enough Is Enough and I Can Walk Away?

How Will I Know When Enough Is Enough and I Can Walk Away? [Episode 158]

“He doesn’t even have to be kind. I just wish he wouldn’t make every waking moment a nightmare. What else can I do?” she said into the phone.

“I don’t know,” her sister said. “You’ve done counseling. And prayed. Asked pastors for help. Read books. Been quiet. Spoken up. Given more sex. You’ve borne the consequences of all his poor choices. You’ve pushed your health to the brink to serve him. For years.”

“But I haven’t fasted and prayed for a straight month,” she murmured.


“Yes,” she said.

It finally clicked. And in that moment, she knew.

“I have to separate.”

It was her “enough” moment. And she never looked back.

What Are the Biblical Grounds for Divorce? (And Other Questions!)

What Are the Biblical Grounds for Divorce? (And Other Questions!) [Episode 156]

Are you confused over whether you have legitimate grounds for divorce?

How should you respond to people who claim you’re cynical and oversensitive when you try to speak against emotional and spiritual abuse?

What’s the best way to handle family members, especially children, who think you’re the bad guy in your abusive marriage?

What if you’re separated but you just aren’t ready to divorce…and the clock keeps ticking?

Limbo is a fun party game…and a lousy place to live. So let me offer some advice that will break you out of the ruts these difficult questions might have you stuck in.

A Teen's Perspective on Divorce During the Holidays

A Teen’s Perspective on Divorce During the Holidays [Episode 150]

What’s it like to experience divorce as a kid?

You’ve heard from me. You’ve heard from experts. You’ve heard from survivors.

What about the young ones caught in the throes of things they don’t understand. The ones who only know that Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and life, will never be the same again.

Divorce through the eyes of a teen…my own daughter.

How Do I Get My Kids to Believe and Understand That I'm a Victim of Emotional Abuse?

How Do I Get My Kids to Believe and Understand That I’m a Victim of Emotional Abuse? [Episode 149]

It took you years, decades maybe, to understand what you were going through.

It’s no wonder your kids don’t recognize emotional abuse for what it is.

Especially because they’re wired to trust their dad. They’re wired to need his love.

So they still call him good, loving even. They still think you and their dad should be together.

You know better.

And it’s agony.

What now?

Managing the Holiday Blues

Managing the Holiday Blues [Episode 148]

As the year ends, the darkness grows. Minute by minute.

Just before Christmas is the longest night of the year.

The holidays are celebrations of love and generosity and joy.

But they’re also bleak and painful to many — like women going through separation and divorce.

So how do you cling to the hope of coming light in your blackest hours?

How do you live with the dark as you wait for the dawn?

Here’s my story and what I’ve learned.

Three False Beliefs My Abusive Relationship Gave to Me

Three False Beliefs My Abusive Relationship Gave to Me [Episode 143]

Imagine carrying around a backpack full of books from high school.

You aren’t taking those classes anymore, but you always carry the weight anyway.

It digs into your shoulders. It makes you tired. Slows you down. Doesn’t let you truly rest. It keeps others from getting close.

Abuse is like that. It teaches us a lot—lessons no one should ever learn. And lessons we don’t even realize we’re still living out.

So we may escape abusive relationships, but we’re stuck in limbo, carrying the textbooks we think hold the truth about life, love, and ourselves.

Listen to this episode to learn how to be truly free from your past.
