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Fight for Freedom: Sneak Peek Into My New Book Part Three [Episode 238]

Fight for Freedom: Sneak Peek Into My New Book Part Three

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I’m finishing up a new book chronicling my relationship with myself and God through years of spiritual lies and emotional abuse. Today’s episode is taken from part three where I begin to discover who I am, who God is, and what my responsibilities really are as I start to make my own life-altering decisions. Decisions that have changed my life in the best possible ways. Listen to part three and see if you can find yourself in my story.  

Related Resources:

  • Check out Sneak Peek Part 1, Part 2, and Part 4!
  • I have a program called Flying Free for Christian women who are in emotionally abusive marriages. If that’s you (or if you think it could be you), what are you waiting for? Join us today. 
  • My other program, Flying Higher, is for Christian women who have divorced their emotionally abusive husbands. I would love to help you rebuild your life after divorce in that program. 
  • I wrote Is It Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage to help Christian women in painful marriages figure out the answer to the question, “Am I the problem in my marriage? Do I just need to get my own act together, submit more, and take on more responsibility?” Go grab a copy if you want help answering the question, “Is it me?”

Note: There is no transcript for this episode, but if you would like to read Natalie’s newest book, it will be published in early 2024, and you can read it then! 

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"Just thank you for what you are doing. Thanks for your work, your emails, your podcast, your book, and sharing all this for free. Some of us wouldn’t have accessed it if it weren’t. May good truly, completely, and richly bless your coming and your going, this powerful, needed, and uprooting ministry on the things we don’t want to talk about and have blind eyes turned to in our churches and out, your children, your new grandbabies - everything concerning you be multiplied! You are blessing and progressing me. I want to do what you’re doing when I’m unchained."
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Flying Free Sisterhood

An online coaching, education, and support community for women of faith in destructive relationships.

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